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now and then scared,
现在我感到恐惧  detail>>
now you are scared aren’t you
怕了吧  detail>>
be scared
受惊吓  detail>>
 adj.  1.吃惊的,吓坏的。 2.〔方言〕怕,不敢 (=afraid)。  短语和例子   a scar...  detail>>
scared of
令…满足的  detail>>
a scared child
一个受惊吓的小孩  detail>>
are you scared
惊魂游戏 恐惧游戏 你害怕么 你是否害怕 死亡秀  detail>>
be scared off
被吓走  detail>>
be scared to death
吓得要死, 吓个半死, 吓得不知所措 吓死了  detail>>
get scared
受惊吓  detail>>
im scared
我怕拉  detail>>
look scared
面有惧色 神色惶遽  detail>>
nothing scared
百无禁忌  detail>>
run scared
战战兢兢  detail>>
running scared
持续惊恐 夺命枪火 杀气冲 双星赶月 探二人组 玩命寻枪  detail>>
scared die
吓死你  detail>>
scared stiff
精神紧张性肌肉僵硬 小生梦惊魂  detail>>
scared to death
到死  detail>>